Client Satisfaction. We beleive that when you work with us, it should be an examplar experience. One that will leave every client very happy. Here are 4 things we promise you:
Winning Combination. With all the competition you have to choose from, we realize we must go above and beyond in reaching out to you. We are grateful you are willing to give us the opportunity to serve you.
Let us prove ourselves to you. Call or contact us today to experience our winning attitudes!

I searched and searched to find a website provider that could give me 3 things. The first is a free trial. Second was the abillity to get in touch with a live person easily. Finally, an affordable price! You've done it all! Thanks!
American West Mortgage
Avid provides the best customer service and support anywhere. I'm not a web geek, so whenever I need something done, I call Avid and they get it taken care of for me ASAP! You can't beat that!
Prime Funding
Let us prove ourselves to you. Call or contact us today to experience our winning solution!

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We understand that every mortgage company has different needs. Our goal is to save you time in building a site so you can make the money yet still make it personal.
![header=[Large Preview] body=[<img src='images/ftrs/MC_design_builder.jpg' />]](images/ftrs/MC_design_builder_sm.jpg)
Most Loan Officers have very little web design or programming experience. Our system allows you to keep doing what you do best, without having to get into the technical side of managing your mortgage website.
![header=[Large Preview] body=[<img src='images/ftrs/1003_step1.jpg' />]](images/ftrs/1003_step1_sm.jpg)
Increase your pipeline by giving borrowers the ability to complete a full 1003 application from the comfort of their own home! With our fully automated application process, you can accept, save, edit, and archive applications online. To make the process even simpler, import your applications directly into your LOS hassle free.
![header=[Large Preview] body=[<img src='images/ftrs/shortapplication.jpg' />]](images/ftrs/shortapplication_sm.jpg)
For those borrowers who are in a hurry or just wanting to prequalify, the short application is perfect. The short form requires much less time to complete, and can help you capture the information of those who do not want to complete the full 1003.
![header=[Large Preview] body=[<img src='images/ftrs/calcs_subpage.jpg' />]](images/ftrs/calcs_subpage_sm.jpg)
Mortgage calculators are a big draw for return visitors. With over 21 mortgage calculators, your site is sure to offer the instant feedback borrowers are after. In addition, our system allows you to pick and choose which calculators you want to use.
![header=[Large Preview] body=[<img src='images/ftrs/purchase_wizard.jpg' />]](images/ftrs/purchase_wizard_sm.jpg)
Website traffic is nice, but wouldn’t you rather gather personal information from visitors rather than just sitting back and watching a counter inform you of how many people came and went? Our system helps you convert that traffic into customers through the use of creative lead grabbing.
![header=[Large Preview] body=[<img src='images/ftrs/contact_us.jpg' />]](images/ftrs/contact_us_sm.jpg)
Setting up a website can be complicated, but we have made the process simple. We have designed a package of standard pages and automatically include them in your initial setup. Standard pages include Mortgage FAQ, Mortgage Glossary, About Us, Contact Us, Interest Rates, Loan Checklist, Loan Programs, Testimonials, Privacy Policy, Site Security, and much more.
![header=[Large Preview] body=[<img src='images/ftrs/MC_add_new_page.jpg' />]](images/ftrs/MC_add_new_page_sm.jpg)
With our Add Custom Page feature, you can expand your website to include any pages you want. Want a page with information about the ins and outs of credit scoring? A few clicks add the page to your site! With the flexibility of writing your own custom pages or adding custom pages from our pre-written library, your site is sure to demand the attention it deserves.
![header=[Large Preview] body=[<img src='images/ftrs/robust_mortgagecenter.jpg' />]](images/ftrs/robust_mortgagecenter_sm.jpg)
Managing your site is made easy with our Avid MortgageCenter. You have instant access to site management tools, partial and completed loan applications, incoming leads, marketing information, and a helpful knowledge base.
![header=[Large Preview] body=[<img src='images/ftrs/dashboard_manage_content.jpg' />]](images/ftrs/dashboard_manage_content_sm.jpg)
Our technology allows you to manage your website with simple clicks of the mouse. Don’t want the risk of posting interest rates on your site? Click “off” and the interest rates literally disappear from your website! In fact, almost every feature on your website can be edited and turned on/off. Plus, if you ever need any help, you can call our customer support line for help.
![header=[Large Preview] body=[<img src='images/ftrs/newsletters.jpg' />]](images/ftrs/newsletters_sm.jpg)
Give your visitors a reason to stay in touch by offering a free monthly newsletter. Your email newsletter subscription group can expand through online visitor signups or can be added to manually.
![header=[Large Preview] body=[<img src='images/ftrs/integrated_marketing.jpg' />]](images/ftrs/integrated_marketing_sm.jpg)
From Search Engine Optimization to Website Link Exchange programs, marketing your website will be made easier than ever. Our goal is to help you draw online traffic to your site, capture as many leads and applications as possible, and convert potential borrowers into life-long clients.