Which Loan is Better?

Input Information
  Loan 1 Loan 2
Amount : ($)
Interest Rate : (%) (%)
Length : (Yrs) (Yrs)
Points : (%) (%)
Origination Fees : (%) (%)
Closing Costs : ($) ($)
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Financial Analysis (Switch to Plain English)
  Loan 1 Loan 2
Points Value $2,500.00 $3,750.00
Origination Fees $0.00 $1,250.00
Total Closing Costs $3,700.00 $5,700.00
Amount Financed $250,000.00 $250,000.00
Monthly Principal & Interests : $1,342.05 $1,266.71
Total Monthly Payments : $483,139.46 $456,016.78
Payment Savings : $0.00 $27,122.68
Plain English Help (Switch to Financial Analysis)

While shopping for a home mortgage loan, you will be presented with different loan options. Plugging this information into the loan comparison calculator will allow you to determine which one is the best option for you.

If your loan is for $250,000.00, you might be able to choose a 30 year loan with an interest rate of 5.000%, with 1.000 point(s), and a closing cost of $1,200.00. Or, you might be offered a 30 year loan with an interest rate of 4.500%, with 1.500 point(s), an origination fee of 0.50%, and closing costs of $700.00.

With the first loan option, your total closing costs will actually be $3,700.00, while the second loan will cost $5,700.00 at closing. The first loan would come to $1,342.05 per month and the second loan would be $1,266.71.

When all is said in done, you will also pay less with the second loan. In fact, you will SAVE $27,122.68 with the SECOND loan because the first one would cost a total of $483,139.46 and the second would be $456,016.78.

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